Welcome to the Hempstead Chamber
The Hempstead, Texas, Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to building goodwill within the community as well as assisting with economic growth and development. Our watermelons are nationally known and we celebrate each year at our annual watermelon festival.
2017 Festival of Lights
"Lights in Unity Make a Brighter Community"
The Hempstead Garden Club decorates a tree in the Gazebo Park.
Setting the stage for the Festival of Lights.
Songs for the season performed by the Hempstead High School band.
Santa rides in on his Texas sized sleigh.
Scouts on parade!
Knight Insurance brings Sponge Bob ...
... and friends!
First United Methodist Church serenades Hempstead with Christmas carols.
Hempstead Little League batting a thousand and bundled up against the cold.
Some cars are just made to dance ...
... and some are made to shine.
Waller County EMS proudly serving and celebrating with the community.
Fun and fantasy with face painting for every one!
Enjoying lights and community late into the night.
Delicious food and drink, fun things to wear, and opportunities for giving.
There's always a line for Santa!
Of course we've been good this year!
More face painting and music you can dance to.
The Queen's Court prepares to present awards.
Congratulations to the winners of the coloring contest!
Winding down the evening with Santa.
Chamber of Commerce volunteers gather for a photo.
Thanks to our sponsors!
Upcoming Events
Festival of Lights Contest Winners
Best Overall: Knight Insurance - "SpongeBob"
Best Float: Rooms To Rent - "Room at Our Inn"
Best Vehicle: Greater St. Peter's Missionary Baptist Church - "Lights of Unity"
Best Marching / Walking Unit: Hempstead High School BandColoring Contest
Ages 3 - 5: Kaytlyn Holloman, 1st place
Ages 6 - 8: Kevron Murrell, 1st place - Kaili Short, 2nd place
Ages 9 - 12: Leigh A., 1st place - Emily Holloman, 2nd placeTree Decorating
1st Place: HELLO! Hempstead
2nd Place: Hempstead Garden Club
3rd Place: Rainbow 4-H
Other participating organizations: Waller County Master Gardeners, Hempstead Lions Club